
Free, free

Had someone told me the journey back

to ourselves was so long, I would’ve

packed lighter. I passed up three

signs that I couldn’t read

think they were in a different language

couldn’t make out the meaning

did not know how to recall a constant sound

a roll of the tongue, the pronunciation

unbeknownst to me.

Away, Away

Though I am young

I’ve been brave enough  to travel alone

in search of myself

in forests, rivers, and savannahs.

the gift of s o u l

It’s inside of me

it lives in my heart

in my brain

in my mouth.

It is the product of my life

the baby of mine who would nourish me

keeping me from being aloof, from being hard.

Its love is a gift not to be given unwisely

given only to those who request it, need it, deserve it.

It governs my happy place from the simulation

where fears are thought over and made to be goals

and fulfillment is like mimosas runneth over.

I’m offered mercy and compassion

and judgement against me

falls on stuffed ears, because love here

for me is law.

It is the very thing that moves my feet

and sets a fire in my eyes.

Born with it so it’s been mine since the beginning

my solo act

a gift from unknown,

my light

and the theme to everything.

How could I give it away?



Spring reading list

As the seasons change, so does my literary tastes. For Spring, my book list consisted of a lot of magic related, romance centered, and quick reads. Along with binge watching Grace & Frankie on Netflix, entertainment for Spring was great.

  • The Dream of a Common Language
    -Adrianne Rich
  • Jambalaya: The National Book of Personal Charms + Practical Rituals
    -Luisha Teish
  • Santeria Aesthetics: In Contemporary Latin American Art
    -Arturo Lindsay
  • The Way of the Superior Man: A Spiritual Guide to Mastering the Challenges of Women, Work, and Sexual Desire
    -David Deida
  • The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, and Brews
    -Scott Cunningham
  • Dark Desires: Beginning
    -Delicious Dave



We have the ability to blend in
to our background spaces.
Our black faces
black bodies
black clothing,
black romance
black rules
black manners.

We’d believe we were free
and act accordingly.
Relaxed inside our dark blueness,
when truly we are dramatists,
wanting purple, fuchsia, and gold
flaunted realities.

Some of us
find the diamonds underneath
the subtleness and find ways of
performing our true selves
that once held us captives.

We’d eat our cornbread,
fish and collard greens
with silver spoons, and
drink Hennessy out
of jeweled-encrusted chalices.
Keep our Jambalya recipes
in the family
and teach our babies magic

Give our elders their proper
reverence and tend to them.
’cause with their death comes
our resurrection,
the access granted to
emerge from their shadows
adorned in silk and fleeces.

We’re taking our pleasures
that were meant to be forbidden
and making it our new livelihood.
Giving the swine back and demanding
our pearls.


The shy pink of a grapefruit,
the twisted twirling
of a thirsty tongue,
hunger brews
in the belly
and summarizes on the
I take my fruit to my mouth
and sink my teeth in
the bleeding flesh.  It
sticks to my teeth,
leaving a film on my lips
one two three droplets
on my white shirt.

Setting my tiny feet in the dirt
soiled by morning rain.
The untamed blades of grass
loop around my ankles
as i dig pink toes in the earth.
Mary jane girls is playing
on shuffle
and a dream from lastnight
on replay
one of common language
and local color.

This is one of Sunday’s luxuries.
I’m in charge of the narrative,
the song choice and the energy.
Today i’m starting off
outside and eventually
i’ll be upstream.